Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is my life a bad one, or am I just a terrible blogger?

Well, I logged in to Blogger for the first time in four months. I logged in for the sole purpose of deleting the pencil blog. And then I suddenly felt like writing more. Because you know, people might actually read this blog, and if they do, I am doing them a great disservice.

Well, as for the pencil blog, I deleted it because someone I knew found out about it. It's really an embarrassment and I have since moved on. I know I shouldn't feel that way, but I died a little on the inside when I found that out. So therefore, I must hide all evidence that it even existed. It's been a good year since I've even touched it, anyways.

I've also said some things that I wish I never did say, like things about TGIL. I've moved on, and still don't like talking about it. I like different people now, and don't even get me started on who that might be, because that is a question I refuse to answer. That was then, and this is now. People need to stop living in the past, and so should I. I honestly felt like deleting this blog as well, because I've changed since then, and I don't want people to see that older version of me. Because they'll think I'm still like that.

But I kept this blog up because I've improvised knitting patterns in the past. I've been asked for written instructions for some of them. I need someplace to put them, as the PDF thing on my computer just doesn't function at all. So therefore, here it is.

I'll also try to update weekly with things that are going on. It may be difficult. Maybe my week won't be exciting enough to be blog worthy, or maybe too many things happen that I'm not really all that comfortable discussing. I guess I'm just bad at determining these things.

And also, if you have never feasted your eyes upon this blog in your entire life, please don't read anything before this.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Knitting. That is all.

I've been knitting quite a lot lately. I also admit that this is only to host images for HPKCHC while Flickr is down.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Post Without An Awesome Title (PWAT for short...but that's not a good acronym...or is it????)

It's Thursday again. Another week has gone by. A little too fast. I know certain people would envy me because to me, time flies, whatever happens and whenever it does. I think the only time it's dragged on and on was when I was in Europe. I couldn't wait for it to end. Sometimes I want to just live in the moment. But that is a dream and this is reality, so I shake myself awake. I'll be twice my age before I know it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, The Day Before, Bob.

Weekends. I seem to have a love/hate relationship with them. I mean, sometimes I can't wait for them. Normally, when I can't wait for them, the entire week just drags on. And then there's the weeks where...they just go by too fast. So fast, you can't even remember what happened when. Did that make sense? Didn't think so.

I've come to dread Fridays, which were once my favorite day of the week (probs because my dad used to take me to Disneyland on Fridays). I've always hated hellos and goodbyes, I guess. I don't like having to get used to things. I sometimes wish something meaningful would happen before the week was over. But when it is over, nothing really happens.

So, here's what happened:

Monday: 10/11---It's a big huge pit of nothing. But we do receive the confirmation that I get to go to Disneyland two months from that day, part of band. We skip school to go there for free, and don't come back till 8 pm. The catch is that we have to do a concert at Carnation Gardens, but that is no biggie.

I also sign up for NaNoWriMo. Since I'm not yet of age, I sign up for the youth program. I'd been meaning to do it last year, but forgot to sign up, let alone actually write.

Tuesday: 10/12---The band concert. Yes, we actually do a fall concert, because we're awesome like that. It was epic. Well, as epic as band concerts can get, anyways. I tell my parents specifically NOT to come, not because we suck, since we never have and never will, but rather because GWIL (Guy Who I Like, for those of you who don't remember, or read my blog for that matter) is in band and him seeing my parents embarrass me in front of the entire effing school (well, the band members anyways)=trouble. Also to save myself from humiliation, being last chair and all.

It's then that I figure out what I want my NNWM story to be about. It's about me, GWIL, Wannabe, and one of my friends, of course changing their names (well, their last names anyways). I may publish it here when I'm done, if it's even all that good. I decide that my parents can't know about this, because then they would force me to do it. But this is something I am doing on my own, not because anyone else told me to. I start planning it out, and am basically writing the book without, actually, writing the book. You don't get it, do you? Nope, didn't think so.

Friday: 10/15---We pick up Bethany for school, since her parents can't drop her off. We're late to school by a little. It's really cold out, and I'm saying that because this information will be useful to know later.

We take a test on cells in science. I get an extra point and a Jolly Rancher, being the winner of a review game. Not that I know what I got on the test though. It had been an agreement the teacher made with us.

In gym class, we run the mile. It is perfect mile-running weather, so I get my best ever time, which still isn't so great, but at least I know for sure that I passed. I followed Bethany, who always runs it faster than I do. This really makes my day.

Later that night in youth group, there is a guest speaker. His sermon, if you would call it that, was pretty good, though I was very uncomfortable when he brought up sex before marriage. Not because I don't think it's wrong, but rather because "sex" is on my list of Words One Must Never Say In Public. So my friends and I just refer to sex as It. Which is why "Let's do it" sounds sexual to us.

I end up making what could possibly be the biggest discovery of my life; where the youth ministry keeps all of the cup noodles. After being shown where the boiling water is, I eat some. It was really good, because it was cold out and I needed something to warm myself, and RAMEN NOODLES FTW. By far, it's my favorite thing about church.

Saturday: 10/16---There is a youth activity at my church. I don't go, because it's a study function and I don't really have homework (though I later find out that I do). I also discover Flair on Facebook, get addicted, and then lose all my credits (you know, the ones I'd been saving to buy more boards) getting flair buttons. I make some buttons. They all look bad because I'm new to Flair and don't know how to zoom in and out.

I got up at 5 AM because my stomach had been hurting and I needed to go to the bathroom. Usually I go back to sleep after going this early, but I don't because I'm a kid on the inside and I knew we'd be going to church today. I get on Flair to go broke getting Glee buttons when all I need is 30 credits for a new board, delete the bad buttons I've made, and replace them with improved versions.

I eat breakfast an hour before the rest of the family does, because my stomach had been grumbling. So I eat, and then it's right back up to my room, where I just hang out for a while.

I'm totally sleep deprived, having gotten up two and a half hours before I normally do. I sleep on the way to church and on the way home. I even dose off for a while during the sermon.

At church today, I eat another thing of cup noodles, because I'd eaten breakfast three hours ago and had already been hungry. The lunch is actually edible. Not just edible, but pretty good. Well, not the part with the cooked lettuce. That looked like puke, so I avoided even going near it.

As soon as I get home, I realize that I have homework that's been left undone, that I totally forgot about. It's the evaluation for the band concert. I'd lost the notes I'd taken in band when we watched the video, so I had to improv. I knew what I'd written, so that's what I put down. I didn't have the exact wording for the questions, not having the original paper. I hope I don't get marked down for it.

And since I'd been using the good computer that can handle online games, I headed to FrontierVille, just to see how good it really was. It wasn't my favorite game, but it at least was addictive. I also played Tetris Friends on FB, since the TF site was down. It reminded me of old times.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

10/10/10...a.k.a because it's the weekend and my brain is currently off

So it's 10/10/10. EPIC. And what do I have to say? NOTHING.

So I guess since I have nothing to write about, I'll just treat this like a diary. Of course, removing the names of people whose names really shouldn't be mentioned. I'll go through each day that had some meaning to it. That is, if I can remember what happened.

9/27/10---Hottest day in the history of the Greater LA area. Around here, it was like 106 degrees? In LA it was 113. And I'm talking Fahrenheit, just in case you just got out of Zimbabwe. I made it out alive.

9/28/10---Not as hot, but I still felt like I was going to die (I was sweating in the morning). But I went to a friend's apartment complex, where we watched half of Ponyo and then went swimming.

9/29/10---Still in the middle of the heat wave. It's still scorching hot. We have to sit outside for two hours in the student of the month assembly. Having to perform as part of the band at the beginning made it worse, since we had to get out there early and set up. Kaila (because she needs a name since she'll come in later), who is one of my amazing friends who are slightly older than I am, actually had a Gatorade behind her back the whole time. I wonder why I didn't think of that, considering that my mom bought a big huge honkin' thing of Gatorades the weekend before.

I don't think I've ever mentioned any of the classes I'm in at school. One of them is Fashion Design, my other elective (unless you're failing you get two at my school, you probably wouldn't get exactly how it works unless you went to my school), and currently my favorite class. It's basically this home-ec class that they give a fancy name so more people would sign up. We don't do any designs, but we do get to do fashion sketches. So we watched a video that showed us how to do that. Later in the week we actually started working on sketches, and I designed a black dress. It's pretty, but I'll admit that I don't know how to draw noses.

9/30/10---Pretty typical day. Nothing really happened.

10/1/10---Carnival. EEEEP!!!! So a nearby town (I'm in the attendance area for the school district there) does this carnival every year where our band always plays. We were awesome, but then again, we always are, aren't we? But then after that it got kinda messy.

My mom had told me that when I was ready to go home I should borrow someone's phone (because I don't actually have one and I won't for another month) and give her a call. Or that's what I thought. So I hung out with Kaila and some of her other friends (whom I was kinda friends with before I met Kaila) and went on some rides. I had to lug around a musical instrument and hide it somewhere because my parents weren't there. I had the wildest time. I'd gone on two upside down rides (without dying, of course), and even bumped into GWIL (he is in band so that is inevitable)because he and the group I was with had similar tastes when it came to rides (which by the way, was as many twists, turns, and upside down parts as possible).

And then after we'd gone on a few rides and gone through a couple fun houses and I went to get my instrument, I run into my dad, who tells me that the cops are looking for me, and all due to bad communication skills . And so the party is over. And then I eat pizza. And then I ditch youth group on the day we're watching Wall-E. Not that I really like Wall-E either.

10/7/10---Bethany and I try out for the lip sync show with "SOS" (you know, the really corny Jonas Brothers song), even though I hate the Jonas Brothers. It's their only good song. We got in, because the audition is really only for the people running it to look at what was on your mind. Beth thought our audition sucked, but there were ones way worse than ours.

10/9/10---I get together with Bethany and we go swimming. She points out how much resemblance I bear to a mermaid, even though I never actually did have the desire to be one.

Lately I actually have been knitting, and wanting to do it. I haven't finished anything though.

I've also started actually using Facebook. Yeah, cuz I'm awesome like that.

And I've been posting YouTube videos lately, not very different from this one:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Life. Is. Tough.

As I've said before, I've been going through a ton lately. But here's a few important things.

I got my new Wii set up today. I've had a Wii before, but the discs didn't work anymore. So we exchanged it and got it set up today. I have been playing like there's no tomorrow, but unfortunately it's been making my arm really hurt. I made a few awesome Miis though, that are everyone from friends to enemies to GWIL (Guy Who I may know his name if you're in the Teen group on Ravelry) to celebrities.

I have no idea what to say next. I would do a knitting list of my current WIPs, but the only pics are from my webcam and can't be saved. And I don't have a good camera.

That is all for now.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Speechless. Hopeless. Occasionally mindless. Not a very good post title, I know.

I haven't posted in a while. That I know perfectly well. I haven't been living under a rock; I just felt like I couldn't post. Because what I'm going through involves mostly things I've been thinking about, have said and done, etc. that I only feel comfortable talking about with certain people, and I know that if I blogged, I'd be compelled to spill. Because who knows who might find this? It's what I link to on profile pages.

School started already. That's what caused my unwillingness to open up; my thoughts about things that don't concern you. I've been dealing with rumors, boy troubles, and stress. It's hard to act civil.

I have been knitting, though not as much. I've knit many things since I last posted; too much to contain in this one post. I feel like hiding. Alone. Things don't happen like they do in dreams. If they did, it wouldn't be a dream. That's the biggest thing.